Monday, May 5, 2008

Long Weekend Part I: A good scrub up

Ah the long weekend draws to a fast close. It has been fun, frantic and friend filled. All of which are good...gooood as Andrew would say.

On Saturday I indulged my poor moisture-deprived skin in an hour and a half of self-indulgence care of a soon-to-expire 07 birthday voucher. Half-way into the pampering session, the beautician enquired about my beauty regime. Well, first of all I like a good splash of water, (rationing in mind always), followed by a scrub with my hands and a generous refresh with ....water. Obviously, no expense spared when it comes to my skin - I even throw in a good dollop of the finest home-brand soap money can buy, if I'm feeling particularly regime-minded. Needless to say, I should have seen that curve ball coming and neatly caught it instead of rushing in for a strike. Do I learn? No!

So with that gem of information gleaned, the beautician fell silent and proceeded to explore the ravaged surface of my enduring epidermis under bright UV. This providing what illumination of my facial terrain I do not know, but satisfied, she fell upon the cleanser. Apparently, from her exclamations, my poor stressed skin soaked up everything she could slap on from cleanser to exfoliant to putty filler. My "Indulgence Package" also included a surprising service - bursting blackheads. Now that was not written up in the advertising material!

Cleansed, exfoliated, depolluted and moisturised I emerged from the session nicely refreshed and relaxed. The new transformed me must surely have been transfixed by the plumpness of my collagen-toned skin, to have then fallen for the tried-and-true sales pitch at the door. Expecting this attempt to extract money after mention of a non-existent beauty regime I nevertheless succumbed! Do I ever learn? No! No! No more products!

This being said, I felt like Venus for the next half an hour with a spring in my step and a new sexiness in my stance. I was sure every eye in the Myer centre must have seen the transformation. That, or they spotted the remanants of eyelash tint under my eye that no amount of scrubbing could remove - I believe otherwise ofcourse, and it was instead a victory for feminity that simpering Saturday.

- cleanser used three days in row and counting....

1 comment:

Unknown said...

Birthday list for Jen Morrison: The Beauty Myth by Naomi Wolf. ;)

Seriously, I'm being such a bloke and I know what it feels like to walk down the street with a new haircut etc. Perhaps I should pamper myself more.