Thursday, June 19, 2008

let there be...

Can I dare to hope?! A proper thunderstorm!

It seems ages since we've had a good thunderstorm...and take it from me, I'm no great fan of thunder normally but there is something to be said for only missing something once it has gone. And gone have been the good old summer days of thunderstorms each afternoon - when all through the day the humidity steadily thickened and you raced for your cars before the encroaching clouds erupted and emptied their stores in sudden, loudly energetic bursts.

I love the build up to a storm really - that's more what it is. The clouds suddenly taking on a blue hue as the sky darkens and the wind begins to chase leaves around on the ground. You sense the electricity in the air and smell the approaching rain. The soulful call of the Coel (storm bird) then guarantees something is afoot. It's almost as if the electricity in the air sparks with my neurons as I feel a real frission of excitement.

Ah thunder, alas, but the downpour is upon us and it's ferociously refreshing!


Niti said...

Nah I dont like thunder, I love the smell of soil after rain. Its to die for!

AJ said...

I love storms too! A year or two before the drought was official it occured to me that we no longer get thunderstorms during summer afternoons the way we did when I was a child. It's been so good to have the rain and thunder lately, even if it is a wee bit unseasonal.